For most people, varicose veins mean only a pathology of the lower extremities. However, problems with blood vessels can develop in any part of the body, and intimate places in men and women are no exception. Varicose veins of the labia and other organs of the vulva, penis and testicles (varicocele) are especially troublesome.

The main factor in the development of pathology is a genetically determined weakness of the vascular wall, in which the veins lose their tone and elasticity. Additional provoking causes of varicose veins of the groin organs are:
- malnutrition with frequent constipation;
- chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
- intense physical activity with tension of the pelvic muscles and the anterior abdominal wall;
- slow blood circulation in the groin due to a sedentary lifestyle;
- compression of blood vessels and blockage of the outflow of venous blood due to blood clots, scars, adhesions, tumors of various etiologies;
- changes in hormonal levels during physical maturation, pregnancy, menopause, taking hormonal drugs;
- increased load on the organs of the perineum in women before and after pregnancy, during childbirth;
- stagnation of blood and compression of the vessels of the small pelvis and perineum due to the growth of the uterus;
- trauma and surgery of the external genital organs in men and women;
- frequent urinary retention;
- systematic delay in ejaculation;
- frequent hot baths, baths, saunas.
In women, varicose veins affect the labia and other parts of the vulva, in men - the penis, scrotum. Depending on the location, the pathology has similar and different symptoms.
Common ones include:
- spider veins in the early stages;
- dilated inguinal veins protruding in the perineum, firm to the touch with an altered relief, forming grape plexus and nodes at 3-4 degrees of varicose veins;
- bluish skin tone;
- itching, burning, pain in the development of congestion;
- feeling of fullness;
- soreness during intimate contact, going to the restroom, physical exertion.
With varicose veins of the labia and vulva, there are additionally:
- Pain radiating to the lower back or hips, which takes on a chronic nature, which disrupts the woman's usual life and leads to a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state: depression, increased irritability, poor sleep, neuroses.
- Hard and large vascular lumps that make it difficult to sit and move.
Varicose veins of the spermatic cord (varicocele) in men is accompanied by:
- asymmetry, prolapse, swelling of the scrotum on the side of the damaged testicle;
- inconvenience, burning and pain when walking and the slightest physical exertion;
- deterioration in the quality of intimate life up to impotence and infertility.
The defeat of the penis is manifested:
- severe swelling of the veins, even in a calm state;
- painful erection;
- a change in the color of the skin from dark pink to dark red with a bluish tinge;
- swelling of soft tissues;
- pinpoint hemorrhages and indurations visible under the skin.
What is dangerous
Damage to the groin organs can cause serious complications and negative consequences: thickening of blood in the vessels causes thrombosis, phlebitis, sudden bleeding provoked by intercourse or tension during bowel movements.
Labia and vulva
If untreated, the disease progresses, which causes complications:
- Varicothrombophlebitis is one of the forms of thrombophlebitis, which is expressed in the defeat of the superficial vessels of the lower extremities. Gives complications to deep and main veins, pulmonary artery.
- Pelvic thrombosis is the formation of blood clots in the superficial and deep veins, which, if they are torn off, can be fatal.
As medical practice shows, the development of bleeding with such a pathology rarely occurs, and situations when an inflamed vein burst are rare, but possible, especially during childbirth, therefore, varicose veins of the labia should be treated immediately after the diagnosis is made.
Varicose veins in the penis and spermatic cord lead to a decrease in sperm quality and impairment of erectile function. The psychological health of the patient also suffers: the altered appearance of manhood affects the emotional state, leads to the development of depression and neuroses, up to impotence.
The basis for the treatment of varicose veins is medication and the elimination of factors that provoke the development of pathology - proper nutrition, sports, drinking regimen, correction of body weight.
The drugs are prescribed systemically in the form of tablets, capsules or locally in the form of ointments, creams. The following groups are prescribed: venotonics (phleboprotectors) to strengthen the vascular wall, increase the tone and elasticity of the veins, relieve edema and lymph congestion, antiplatelet agents for resorption of blood clots, NSAIDs to reduce inflammation and pain, antihistamines against itching, burning, and others.
Pregnant women are advised to wear compression underwear in the form of stockings or tights (with a pocket on the stomach), for men - a special model of underwear to support the testicles and penis in the correct position.
Of the minimally invasive methods, sclerotherapy is recommended - the introduction of special substances into the vessels that stick together the damaged areas, and the blood moves through healthy veins, as well as laser or radiofrequency ablation, which act on a similar principle - seal the affected vessel.
Surgical treatment is resorted to only after the birth of a child, if the veins have not returned to a healthy state, that is, the cause of varicose veins is not pregnancy.
In the early stages of pathology, treatment with alternative therapy methods is possible: ointments, decoctions of medicinal plants, compresses and baths based on them. Before treating pathology with alternative therapy methods, you should definitely consult your doctor.